Life in the UK Practice Test 2024

The Life in the UK practice test below features another 24 example questions similar to the ones you will encounter in your real British Citizenship test in 2024.

Just like the official test, the pass mark for this Life in the UK practice test is 18 out of 24 (75%). Take your time and read through each question carefully before submitting your answers. Good luck!

1. Who is the head of state of the UK?

Question 1 of 24

2. TRUE or FALSE: To become a citizen or permanent resident of the UK you must be able to read and speak English.

Question 2 of 24

3. A speech is normally given to open the new parliamentary session each year, who gives this speech?

Question 3 of 24

4. Which statement below is correct?

Question 4 of 24

5. Which famous landmark was originally built as part of the UK’s celebration of the new millennium?

Question 5 of 24

6. Who is the chief officer of the House of Commons?

Question 6 of 24

7. TRUE or FLASE: “To be, or not to be, that is the question” is a famous line from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet.

Question 7 of 24

8. TRUE or FLASE: Elizabeth I was very skilled at managing Parliament.

Question 8 of 24

9. Sir Francis Drake was among the first to sail around the world, what was the name of his ship?

Question 9 of 24

10. Which statement below is correct?

Question 10 of 24

11. Which part of the UK would you find Edinburgh Castle?

Question 11 of 24

12. TRUE or FLASE: Conwy and Caernarvon are the names of famous British ships.

Question 12 of 24

13. The Chartists campaigned for all the following changes EXCEPT:

Question 13 of 24

14. Which statement below is correct?

Question 14 of 24

15. Where would you find the iron age hill fort “Maiden Castle”?

Question 15 of 24

16. Which 2 are famous inventors of the 20th century? (Choose 2 answers)

Question 16 of 24

17. What is the name of the Prime Minister’s country house outside London?

Question 17 of 24

18. Housesteads and Vindolanda are names of famous ____.

Question 18 of 24

19. Which statement below is correct?

Question 19 of 24

20. Which statement below is correct?

Question 20 of 24

21. TRUE or FALSE: The words “Great Britain” refers to England, Scotland and Wales, not to Northern Ireland.

Question 21 of 24

22. What does Colin Firth, Sir Antony Hopkins and Tilda Swinton have in common?

Question 22 of 24

23. Which landmark would you need to visit if you want to see the Crown Jewels?

Question 23 of 24

24. New ideas about politics, philosophy and science were developed during the 18th century, this was often referred to as ____.

Question 24 of 24


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Life in the UK Mock Test 2024